Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teacher Appreciation Week

It's Teacher Appreciation Week, and I hope all the teachers reading this have had a good last few days. We've been getting treats each day, such as candy and apples, provided by our PTA. Today, our cafeteria staff made us breakfast. So, I'll admit that we have it pretty good here.

I recently found this blog post called "Screw Teacher Appreciation Week." The author has a problem with her child's teacher, and she is definitely not going to show her any appreciation this week or ever. What's even more interesting than what the author wrote are some of the comments from others.

Check out that post, and let me know what you think. Do you think the room mother's requests are out of line?


P. Stone said...

Wow. Those are some strong opinions. I don't quite know what to say. Some strong points were made but some people(expecially the author of the blog itself) just needed/wanted to vent. I don't think the room mom's requests were unreasonable EXCEPT for Friday and I have a hard time even believing that parents were asked for $20. I don't like that this week appears to be turning into a 'have to/expected to' event instead of a 'want to' event in some communitites/schools. To me, that is wrong on many levels. I've had a great week with lots of food, flowers, and more - plus the week is not over! I appreciate being appreciated. :-)

Victoria Thomas said...

I never considered that the author may have "stretched the truth" about everyone giving $20 on Friday. She may have just been really mad, and put that in for emphasis. Then again, maybe it's true. I agree that the week should be about people "wanting" to appreciate teachers, not someone requiring it.

KM said...

The $20 bit caught my eye too. I agree with the comment that said "find a good teacher to reward". I will say this though, and this is "kinda" related, but not was always my experience that the *meanest* most unreasonable teachers got the *best* gifts at holidays and such. Why is that? Is everyone just desperate to get their approval?

Victoria Thomas said...

Kerri, I remember that happening when I was a student in elementary school, usually at Christmas time. I guess parents were trying to get the teacher to be nicer to their child....